CONFERINȚELE INTERNAȚIONALE PUCK | Tehnici de expresie în teatrul de animație
Sâmbătă, 21 octombrie
11.00 – 16.00
Susținerea lucrărilor
11.00-11.30 – Ana Crăciun Lambru (regizoare) – „Investiție și recompense în păpușerie”
11.30-12.00 – Delia Gavlițchi (regizoare, manager MINIReactor) – „Teatrul de animație din România. Abandon sau Resurecție?”
12.00-12.30 – Denisa Ciocoiu (Secretar literar – Teatrul de Copii și Tineret „GONG”) – „Teatrul pentru copii la intersecția dintre trecut și viitor: utilizarea tehnologiilor moderne în teatrul de animație”
12.30-13.00 – „Tradiție și inovație în teatrul de animație” – Discuții moderate de Raluca Sas Marinescu
13.00-13.30 – Pauză
13.30-14.00 – Adela Moldovan (actriță) – „Esențializarea mișcării marionetei”
14.00-14.30 – Florin Suciu (actor, co-manager Teatrul Magic Puppet) – „Emoția unui obiect”
14.30-15.00 – Octavian Szalad (redactor Teatrul Azi) – „Puterea de expresie a păpușii literare: surse și efect dramatic”
15.00-16.00 – „Limbajul obiectelor în teatrul de animație” – Discuții moderate de Raluca Sas Marinescu
Locație: Sala Cinema, Facultatea de Teatru și Film, UBB Cluj
Lansarea cărții 4 PIESE CU SUSUL ÎN JOS – Antologie de teatru contemporan pentru copii
Locație: Librăria BOOKSTORY
Eveniment performativ în memoria regizoarei Mona Marian
Locație: Teatrul de Păpuși „Puck”

Duminică, 22 octombrie
10.00 – 13.00
Sesiune deschisă publicului a atelierului LOGICA MIȘCĂRII, susținut de Stephen Mottram
cu actorii Teatrului de Păpuși „Puck”
Locație: Teatrul de Păpuși „Puck”

Prezentarea publică Stephen Mottram: Introducere în LOGICA MIȘCĂRII
Locație: Teatrul de Păpuși „Puck”

Don Quijote
Spectacol de teatru de animație în regia lui Ioan Brancu, Teatrul de Păpuși „Puck”, 10+
Locația: Teatrul de Păpuși „Puck”


Puppetry and Literature Conference

About a Dramaturgy of the Imaginary

15 – 16 October 2022 Cluj Napoca



Session 1 – October 15th, Saturday morning – Cinema Hall

11:00 – 11:30

Welcome speech – Bartha Katalin Ágnes – Vice Dean of Theatre and Film Faculty, Babeș-Bolyai University: Daniela Vartic – Artistic consultant, Puck Puppet Theatre


KEYNOTE Speaker 1 [english] Ana Cucu Popescu (playwrite) – The new theatre for children and its’ road to relevance

Coffee break

Panel 1:

12:15 – 12:30

[english] Raluca Sas Marinescu, (Babeș Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Film) – How to write for kids these days – considerations on children literature

12:30 – 12:45

[romanian, translated] Varga Ibolya, (Puck Puppet Theatre, Cluj Napoca) – Theatre for toddlers; educating visual and sound perception


12:45 – 13:30 Q&A Session – discussions

Lunch break


Session 2 – October 15th, Saturday afternoon – Cinema Hall

Panel 2

15:00 – 15:15

[english] Louise Lapointe (president of UNIMA Festivals Commission) – Dramaturgy without text

15:15 – 15:30

[english] Sun Wook Hyon (Chunchon Festival, Korea) – Specificity of writing for puppetry; especially on contemporary Korean puppetry scripts

15:30 – 15:45

[translated] Alexandru Torboli („George Enescu” National University of Arts Iași) – Text, voice and object in animation theater

15:45 – 16:30 Q&A Session – discussions

16:30 – 17:20 – projection of performance

Coffee break

18:00 Performance – Harag Gyorgy hall



Session 3 – October 16th, Sunday morning – Cinema hall

11:00 – 11:30

KEYNOTE 2 [english] Irina Niculescu (UNIMA Professional Training Commission) – A provocation reflecting on puppet theatre directing

Panel 3:

11:30 – 11:45

[romanian, translated] Oana Leahu, (University of Arts Tg. Mureș) – Dramaturgy beyond text

11:45 – 12:00

[english] Katerina Dolenska, (vice president UNIMA Research Commission) – The transformations of the use of literary texts in Czech puppet productions

12:00 – 12:30 Q&A Session – discussions

Lunch Break


Session 4 – October 16th, Sunday afternoon – Cinema Hall


[translated] Anca Ciobotaru, („George Enescu” National University of Arts Iași) – The shadows of puppeteers

15:15 – 15:30

[translated] Bonczidai Dezső (University of Arts Tg. Mureș) – Spatial usage of the fair puppetry paravan


15:30 – 15:45

[translated]  Kisó Palocsay Kata (Babeș Bolyai University, Faculty of Theatre and Film) – How Do Text and Puppetry Define Each Other

15:45 – 16:30 Q&A Session – discussions

Coffee break

18:00 Performance: Ilonka – Harag Gyorgy Hall



Call for papers


Conference: Puppetry and Literature. About a Dramaturgy of the Imaginary


Dates: October 15th– 16th 2022

Place: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Organizers: Puck Puppet Theatre, Babeș-Bolyai University, Theatre and Film Faculty, Puck International Festival

Submission deadline: May 30th 2022



Beyond literature, there are inner forms of expression and representation in puppet and marionette theatre, where, unlike other theatrical genres we can find allegory, metaphor and imaginary in the field of scenic resources. Can puppet shows assume and handle tools of written or uttered text on the stage as means of an inner language?

Can we talk about a dramaturgy addressed to puppetry or just like a puppet (a liminal object between forms of scenic representations), the script of a puppet show is a common space for cultural archetypes, iconic characters, new media, and experimental space at the same time?


We invite papers on any of the following topics, but not exclusively:

  • Literary creation for puppetry
  • Traditional characters and their influence in different cultures
  • Specificity of writing for puppetry
  • Puppetry in literature
  • Fairy tales, myths and fantastic stories in puppetry
  • Poetry and puppetry
  • Major themes and ars poetica in animation theatre
  • Time and space in children’s literature
  • If I were a man: a marionette’s perspective
  • Animation techniques in relationship with specific texts and characters
  • New trends in puppetry performances
  • New media in puppetry


The conference will take place on site, but in case of pandemic restrictions, some of the international presentations could be streamed online on the conference platform. The presentations will be in English / Romanian / Hungarian with simutanneous translation and will last for 20 minutes.

Submissions and deadlines: The abstracs of max 500 words and the author’s biography should be send to and until May 30th 2022.

The papers will be published in a volume by the end of October, therefore the full texts should be send to the publisher no later than September 30th 2022.


Organizing committee: Daniela Vartic, Raluca Sas – Marinescu, Silvia Seușan, Kincső Szakács



Daniela Vartic –

Raluca Sas – Marinescu –

Silvia Seusan, Kincső Szakács –